U.S Startup & Small Business Registration

Necomitt Academy
Last Update September 1, 2022
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About This Course

Learn why you need to register your business with the state, how to decide on what business entity to choose (LLC, S corp, C corp or something else), how to protect your intellectual property, basic employment laws, online privacy issues and much more.

You will also learn how to hire a good business lawyer to help you when you will need legal help.

As an entrepreneur, at one point or another, you will need to hire a lawyer. You will also have to understand many of the business law basics like issues with business registration, liability protection, entity types, and more. This course will teach you all that and much more!

Disclaimer: this course is governed by the U.S. law only.

Understand Intellectual Property Law

We’ll go over various ways to protect intellectual property and when to use Trademarks, Patents, or non-disclosure agreements. We’ll also cover when Trademarks, Patents, or non-disclosure agreements don’t work and when not to use them. So that, by the end of the course, you will know whether you need a trademark, patent, or a non-disclosure agreement.

Why Do You Need A Business Law Online Course?

We recommend that every new entrepreneur take this business law online course to become familiar with basic business law that he or she will need to understand when to start his or her business. This course will explain how to form your company, how to protect your intellectual property, legal issues associated with hiring and firing employees, and much more.

Learning Objectives

Understand business registration
Understand Internet privacy and social media use at work
Understand how to protect intellectual property
Determine whether your business should be an LLC, S-corp, C-corp, or a nonprofit
Know how to hire a good lawyer when you need one
Research a lawyer's disciplinary ethics background
Know the difference between a patent, trademark, and a copyright, and be able to determine when each is needed
Understand laws about hiring and firing employees and contractors, and the reason for which any employee can be fired or let go


  • This course is governed by United States law only
  • Please have enough English skills because this course has no translations into other languages and it has no subtitles

Target Audience

  • This course is for entrepreneurs and small business owners
  • This course is for people who need to understand business law basics


32 Lessons

U.S Startup & Small Business Registration

Business Formation Section Introduction00:2:15
Partnership Basics in Different Entities00:3:44
Partnership Agreement Documents00:1:34
What if One Partner Quits00:2:42
Business Insurance00:3:40
Company Dissolution00:1:18
LLC vs Corporations00:8:36
Business Bank Account 202200:4:43
EIN 202000:1:4
Walk Through of Business Registration00:4:15
What Is A Nonprofit00:5:24
Different Types of Lawyers00:2:41
How to Hire and Research a Lawyer00:6:29
Legal Zoom DIY00:3:8
Protecting Intellectual Property Six Ways00:4:17
Moat Barrier to Entry First to Market00:6:11
Trademark Decision of Wave If You Like00:6:26
Pros and Cons of Getting a Trademark00:4:11
Introduction To Patents00:5:42
Reasons You Can Get Let Go00:5:28
Work Privacy00:4:37
Internet Privacy NSA and Edward Snowden00:4:47
Rules of Hiring Contractors vs Employees00:3:47
What is a Cease and Desist Letter What to do if you Get One00:3:55
Representing Yourself in Court00:3:34
How to Minimize Decrease the Risk of Being Sued00:5:37
Which Law Applies00:4:51
Is it Bad or Risky to Represent Yourself in Court00:2:6
What Should a Typical Website Terms of Service Say00:2:15
RETIRED Business Bank Account 202000:3:22

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